Collecting Tips: Type Cards
A favorite for many is to collect cards from as many different sets and eras as possible. Show off your colorful cards from Milk Dud boxes, cardboard inserts from meat packages, and others from dog food, clothing and candy companies and an endless variety of other manufacturers. A typical collection might include an Old Judge card from the 1880s,(some of which include a batter swinging at a ball suspended from a very visible string); several different cigarette cards from around 1910, caramel cards from the 1920s, strip cards, Goudey, Diamond Star and more obscure issues from the 1930s, the Play Ball sets from 1939 to 1941; Leaf, and early Topps and Bowman cards and any of the dozens of regional cards (Johnston Cookies, Rodeo and Glendale Meats, Meats, Remar Bread, Smith's Clothing, Sugardale Meats, and others).
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